Good day! Brandon Brown is the owner and operator of Spot On Plumbing company in tulsa , as well as a dedicated tulsa plumbers 24 hour . I have a 5-year-old boy and have been married for nine years. I am an Oklahoma native who has lived in Tulsa since 2007. Since 2001, I've been a member of the army reserve. My family and I participate in Life as well. Church.
After serving as an active military reservist in the Tulsa area for three years, I began plumbing in 2011. I didn't know what I wanted to accomplish except learn how to fix up houses and create a business. I lived three blocks from a plumbing shop, and I applied four times in one week before they ultimately hired me as a plumber in Tulsa. I wanted to learn everything I could as quickly as possible from the beginning. I began by repairing leaks beneath slabs, and after three months on the job, I was able to locate leaks. Before I started working with a new construction crew, I spent a year detecting and fixing slab leaks. Before going into service, I worked on a number of large commercial projects for the next year. I enjoyed doing volunteer work since it allowed me to meet new people on a daily basis and it allowed me to help others. I acquired my license as soon as I was eligible, and I kept doing service work for the next three years before getting my contractor's license.
I've always placed a high importance on education since I first started working in the plumbing industry. As a person, a plumber, and now a business owner, I am constantly striving to develop myself. Because I'm constantly encountering new situations and problems when doing service work, it allows me to continue to learn and develop. I conduct a brief evaluation after each new job to determine what I performed well and where I could improve. This enables me to improve and deliver better service to my consumers in the future. Visit us online at